Friday, September 6, 2013

Vagrant, GCM, Travis, Gradle, oh my

Holy shit. The number of paths you can go down when embarking on a dev project. Even as a one man team doing a hobbyist personal dev project, you end up having to have some kind of prioritized list to work from. Otherwise you become a raccoon chasing every shiny object you see. It's unbelievable.

So I found a public feed that espn uses for their Bottom Line app:

I wrote some sweet code using regular expressions to grab the scores from this ugly url encoded mess. I was pretty proud of it.

Then I thought, "I don't want to poll this url from the phone. I want to poll this url from a server and push updates to the phone." That's when I got off on the GCM (Google cloud messaging) tangent. I ended up setting up an apache server and running a .war java web app file. Pretty brave stuff for a .NET guy.

I also wanted to play with Android Studio because it seemingly has tight Gradle integration, and that supports my cause of having a CI build somewhere in the cloud that requires a build script.

So anyway, I'm just chasing shiny objects at this point. Happy to have the time to do so. My wife and I are expecting our first child in 4 weeks and I know that quiet time in front of the computer takes a massive hit.

Back to it.....

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