Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Android CI - finally

I finally got my github -> travis ci stuff working.  It took me a while to settle on a project structure. I finally figured out that in the java world it is normal to co-mingle you test code with your production code in the same module.  I was bent on creating a separate module for testing purposes for a minute there.

So what I have is this:

  • android project (the entry point, if you will, where activities are defined, etc)
  • android library (builds as apklib, where I plan to do non-gui stuff that is still android-y, like services)
  • pojo library (plain old java objects, where a lot of my business objects and logic are defined.  also junit tests to exercise said classes)
  • android test project (instrumentation tests that run on AVD)
These were all built by using Maven archetypes, from this guy (  Thanks guy!

So I put in some of the logic that I already had prototyped out.  And now, we have a "clean" start.  I'll have to revisit the Gradle stuff later, but from what I understand, if your project follows a Maven-esque structure, then it's a short hop to Gradle land.

Now I want to get GCM push notifications going to the app on the device.  But I also want to work on the client side stuff too!  Ahhh!  So much work to do.  Gotta go....

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